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MH17 "Call for Justice"

Bonanza media investigative team of independent journalists take exclusive interviews with one of the suspects of downing the MH17, Malaysian prime minister; colonel that collected black boxes and much more. Eye opening testimonies from witnesses and irrefutable evidence from experts. Exclusive footage shot in Malaysia, The Netherlands and at the crash area in Ukrain

ENG: The main points to note in this video are:

1. The Dutch government refused to initiate an investigation until 3 months after the crash. @3:03

2. The Malayasian government went to the crash site in secret to conduct their own investigation. They drove through Donetsk. They examined everything. Evidence was collected, which is now in Malaysia. @ 5:15

3. The FBI wanted the black boxes from the aircraft without providing verification for receipt of them. A moment before this point in the video, the fact that there are no data on the location for the Buk launcher. @ 6:50

4. Starting from @ 7:40, legal proceedings conducted so far. All claims have been adjudicated to the Ukrainian government.

5. Analysis of the rocket itself and its inventory number. Impossible to determine anything based on one installation and one weapon. Additional information needed on the division and the guidance machine. In other words, impossible to pinpoint a launch location. @ 8:30

6. Manipulated news presentation. @ 9:00

7. The investigation was transferred to the Dutch government, despite objections from and the desire of the Malaysian government to investigate itself. @ 9:50

8. The SBU (Security Agency of Ukraine) compiled the records.  The record do not pass an examination for authenticity and integrity. @ 12:00

9. All evidence was provided by the SBU and only by the SBU. There are no other sources of information. @ 12:45

10.The segment comes from a wiretap of a conversation about a downed Su-25 (Sukhoi military fighter aircraft from soviet era), that occurred a day or more before. @ 13:30

11. At @ 14:10 Evidence that the recording has been edited.

12. All evidence is based on 20 seconds, which can be shown to be fabricated by the SBU. @16:05

13. "Hmuryi" openly talks about the events of that day. @ 17:00

14. Analysis of the recording by a German expert, Norman Ritter. He makes the same conclusion that it is edited in 9 separate places. @ 18:15

15. "Not all witnesses are equal, some are more equal than others" @ 18:40

16. The shrapnel from the Buk and the holes in the casing were never examined under a microscope. As a result, the origin of the shrapnel and the cause of the holes in the casing are unknown.  "This is too specific a question to answer" @ 19:20

17. A limited number of fragments were selected from the wreckage. Most of the wreckage remains where it fell. @ 19:50

18. From @ 21:40 These are fake photos of the Buk. More importantly the date shown is inaccurate. The Buk was transported two days earlier.

19. The BBC story, referenced by the prosecution, was filmed elsewhere. @ 23:30

20. @ 23:40 Details about the crash in Russian.

21.The missile left Stepanovka, where the VSU (land-based military force of Ukraine) was located. @ 24:05

22. Two military aircraft were near the aircraft, as it fell. @ 24:50

23. An air-to-air missile was launched from an airplane @ 25:23

24. The investigation ignored radar data provided by the Russian government. The Ukrainian does not have radar data for this date @ 26:20



RUS: основные пункты данного видео:

  1. Голландское правительство отказывалось начинать расследование 3 месяца после авиакатастрофы. @3:3
  2. Малайцы тайком были на месте падения и провели собственное расследование. Заезжали через Донецк и обследовали всё. Улики собраны и лежат в Малайзии, ждут своего часа @5:15
  3. ФБР пыталась истребовать чёрные ящики без расписок и документов. Там же ранее про отсутствие стартовых позиций для Бука! @6:50
  4. Начиная с @7:40 идёт разбор происшедшего с точки зрения юриспруденции. Все претензии к Украине.
  5. Разбор по ракете и инвентарному номеру + невозможность всё проделать одной установкой. Нужен дивизион и машина наведения. Снова разговор об отсутствии стартовых позиций на стороне ополченцев. @8:30
  6. Манипулятивная подача новостей подставляет Россию. @9:00
  7. Расследование было передано голландской стороне несмотря на возражения и желание Малайзии расследовать самим. @9:50
  8. СБУ скомпоновала запись, потому что она не прошла экспертизу подлинности и целостности. @12:00
  9. Все доказательства представила СБУ и только СБУ. Других источников информации нет! @12:45
  10. Разговор смонтирован из прослушки разговора о сбитом Су-25 накануне @13:30
  11. На @14:10 разбор монтажа записи.
  12. Все доказательства строятся на сфабрикованных СБУ 20 записях. @16:05
  13. "Хмурый" откровенно рассказывает о событиях того дня. @17:00
  14. Другая экспертиза записей, сделанная немцем Norman Ritter. Результат тот же : 9 отредактированных мест. @18:15
  15. Не все свидетели одинаково равны, некоторые ровнее, чем другие. @18:40
  16. Шрапнель от "Бука" и отверстия в обшивке даже не исследовалась под микроскопом. Где взяли шрапнель и что оставило отверстия в обшивке - неизвестно "Это слишком специфический вопрос, чтобы на него ответить!" @19:20
  17. Отбирались только нужные фрагменты с места крушения. Большинство обломков лежат там же, где и лежали. @19:50
  18. С @21:40 о поддельных фото Бука, а точнее о дате. "Бук" перевозили двумя днями раньше
  19. Сюжет BBC, на который ссылается обвинение, был отснят в другом месте. @23:30
  20. С @23:40 - детали падения самолёта на русском языке
  21. Ракета ушла из Степановки, где были ВСУ. @24:05
  22. Два военных самолёта были рядом с падающим рейсом. @24:50
  23. Был пуск ракеты "Воздух-воздух" с самолёта @25:23
  24. Следствие проигнорировало первичные данные радара со стороны России. У Украины якобы нет данных радаров за это число @26:20




Required reading: photocopies of documents related to the Malaysian Airlines flight, a Boeing 777 aircraft, shot down on July 17, 2014 over Ukraine

Enclosed are photocopies of secret documents from the Security Service of Ukraine, which clearly show that the Ukrainian military deliberately shot down the Boeing 777 on July 17, 2014 over the Donetsk region of Ukraine. These are photocopies of the original documents. They also clearly show how the government of Ukraine has attempted to destroy any evidence of its war crimes.

Most of the documents, judging by the holes made by a hole-punch, were extracted from files, and then photographed. Orders, coded telegrams, plans and orders are recorded on the official trident-crowned, official forms of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), as well as on ordinary sheets of paper in A4 page size. They contain signatures, resolutions, seals. I was able to gain access into the bureaucracy of Ukrainian "secret” security forces. The documents are sufficient to cause an international scandal that will bring the President of Ukraine, Poroshenko, and his generals, to the dock of the tribunal in The Hague as war criminals.

The first four photocopies alone lead to three initial conclusions. First: the individuals who overthrew the elected president of Ukraine, Yanukovych, are responsible for shooting down the Malaysian Airlines flight. President Poroshenko and his generals hide the truth about this and have lied about the matter for 3 years. Second: Ukraine's military air force authority was involved in the plane crash. Third: in order to erase evidence of the crime, the SBU, starting in July 2014, took specific measures to destroy any documentation of the operation and to dispose of any materials that might reveal the presence of Ukrainian combat aircraft in the vicinity of the Malaysian Airlines plane on July 17, 2014.

There were dozens of people involved in the combat mission. The facts regarding what occurred can likely be verified through many more witnesses, who were privy to the operation, amongst personnel in the Ukrainian military. We hope that sooner or later these witnesses will publicly reveal what they know.

The documents, which show the order to destroy the evidence of the aircraft’s downing, are attached in chronological order. Photocopies of the originals are accompanied by a translation into English. According to one document, the order to destroy evidence was given three days after the Malaysian Airlines aircraft was downed, that is on July 20, 2014. It was on that same day that the First Deputy Chairman of the Security Service, Colonel-General V. S. Gritsak, approved, to quote, “a plan for counter-intelligence and for operational measures by the Security Service of Ukraine on 20.07. 2014 No. 1 / 1-837. " DKK are the initials of the Department of Counterintelligence of the Security Service.

Full text: www.crimes-of-ukraine.ru



On the day when the Boeing was shot down: The combat aircraft of the Air Forces of Ukraine were involved in the special operation of destroying the Malaysian Boeing-777


"Two months ago the newspaper "Sovershenno sekretno" began to search for real guilty persons of the shooting of the Malaysian Boeing on the basis of "newly discovered circumstances". The newly discovered circumstances were copies of the documents received from our "Source N." who carried out a complex and dangerous work together with his colleagues to "take out" the secret materials of the SBU and MO of Ukraine and to document the facts of their crimes. In the article «To destroy the facts of conducting a special operation». Operation of the SBU "Clearing". Part 1.

Which was prepared jointly with the Agency for Federal Investigations FLB.ru we published the copies of four secret documents of the Security Service of Ukraine which demonstrated that immediately after the Boeing 777 wreckage the SBU conducted a state special operation to destroy the evidence of the mass murder in the sky over the Donbass on July 17, 2014. Then we published a certificate of the Main Processing Center for Special Information of the State Border Guard of Ukraine which indicated that "Crossing of the Ukrainian state border through Buk M-1 from Russian Federation is not captured." The operation "The Buk Legend". Part 2.

Full text: www.crimes-of-ukraine.ru


www.maxfromthewharf.com - Dutch War Crimes

www.youtube.com - Bonanza Media

www.mailchi.mp - WAS MH17 not properly investigated?

www.maxfromthewharf.com - MH17 properly investigated?

MH17 properly investigated_ – Max from the Wharf



ENG: In this video, Russian-speaking blogger Anatoly Shariy proves that the alleged BUK from which the civilian plane was shot down is actually in service with the Ukrainian army; it is a Ukrainian BUK, not a Russian one. Russia has nothing to do with it. The video is presented in Russian, to translate into your language of communication (English, German, Hebrew and another language), do as shown in the image below, turn on the captions for automatic translation into your language of communication.

RUS:  в данном видео русскоязычный блогер Анатолий Шарий доказывает, что предполагаемый БУК, с которого был сбит гражданский самолет на самом деле стоит на вооружении армии Украины, это украинский БУК, а не российский. Россия не имеет к нему никакого отношения. Видео представлено на русском языке, для перевода на ваш язык общения (английский, немецкий, иврит и иной язык) сделайте как показано на изображении внизу, включите титры автоматического перевода на ваш язык общения.