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Chronology of mass murder of people by neo-Nazis in Odessa may 2, 2014 Ukraine
The well – known events of November 2013-January 2014 led to a change in the political situation in Ukraine. If in the Western regions of Ukraine the coming to power of the nationalist forces cooperating with the USA and the European Union was welcomed by the main part of the population, in the "Russian" regions of Ukraine – Odessa, Nikolaev, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk – Euromaidan caused skepticism from at least half of the population. In the regional centers and large cities of these regions began protests against the new Kiev regime, which, of course, did not reach such a scale as in the Crimea or Donbas, but, nevertheless, were very active. In turn, Kiev and the nationalist forces supporting the new regime were extremely frightened by the possibility of disconnecting from Ukraine not only the Crimea and Donbass, but also the "Novorossiysk" regions. The latter would be a complete disaster for the Ukrainian state, as it would deprive the country of access to the sea and such industrial centers as Kharkiv or Dnepropetrovsk. Opponents of the new Kiev regime demanded the preservation of the status of the Russian language, which was spoken by the majority of the population of Novorossiysk regions, the federalization of Ukraine and the decentralization of power with the transfer of greater powers to the regions, the restoration of good-neighborly relations with Russia and counter the growing right-wing radicalism and nationalism in Ukrainian society. But official Kiev wasn't going to fulfill these requirements – it wasn't allowed also by its Western patrons.
May 2, 2014 around 13.30 at the intersection of Alexander Avenue and the streets of Zhukovsky began to gather opponents of the new regime from among the activists of the movement "Antimaydan." First of all, they were members of the "Odessa squad". Not without provocation. Passing by the young man entered verbal sparring with gathered, and then shot at them from the air gun. The provocateur was detained and handed over to police officers.
Meanwhile, about 15.00 in the center of Odessa – on Cathedral square – supporters of the Euromaidan began to gather. Among them were football fans from the club "Chernomorets", as well as the club" Metalist " (although its representatives then denied their participation in the events of may 2). In addition to ordinary activists and football fans, on the square there were militants of the so-called "Maidan self-Defense", who were armed with bats and metal chains, many had helmets and shields. The backbone of the militants were activists of the banned radical organization "Right sector". Among fighters not all were inhabitants of Odessa – a large number of participants of the subsequent events arrived to the city from other regions of Ukraine – Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk, Vinnytsia, Zhitomir, Kherson areas. According to some news agencies, at least 15 buses arrived in Odessa, delivering several hundred euromaidan activists. Around 15.30 in the Greek area was made by the column of the activists of Antimiani. On approaches to the square she clashed with activists of the Euromaidan. Both warring parties were armed with sticks and stones, and fighters of the Euromaidan started pouring Molotov cocktails. As a result of collisions one of activists of the Euromaidan was wounded from firearms in a lung and died before arrival of the ambulance. In turn, supporters of the Euromaidan stole the fire truck and used it as a RAM against a militia cordon and barricades which anti-Maidan protesters started building.
Clashes in the center of Odessa continued with varying success for three hours. By 18.30 supporters of the Euromaidan came to the Kulikovo field square and crushed the tent camp of the movement "Antimaidan"located on it. The camp tents were burned down. Under the pressure of euromaidan activists, their opponents were forced to retreat to the building of the house of trade unions, where they barricaded themselves. Supporters of the Euromaidan started storm of the building of the trade unions building, throwing it with Molotov cocktails and firing at Windows from firearms and traumatic weapon. The defenders of the House of trade unions in measure of the forces trying to resist the onslaught of the euromaidan protesters, firing from "traumatic" and throwing in the attacking militants stones and bottles with an incendiary mix.
Meanwhile, the attackers set fire to the Central doors of the house of trade unions. After that, the fire engulfed the first floor of the building, and then spread to the upper floors. The fire brigade were responding to a call is very slow, so at the time of her arrival, the fire was able to cover the whole building. However, the head of GU gschs of Ukraine in Odessa region Vladimir Bodelan claims that firefighters arrived to the building in a timely manner, but the audience at the trade unions building, the euromaidan is not passed fire trucks and tried to hinder the firemen in their work. Simultaneously with the arson stormed the House of trade unions the euromaidan protesters managed to break into his room and grab a few corridors. Several burning tires were thrown into the house of trade unions. Arrived on fire employees Of the main Department of gschs of Ukraine in Odessa region managed to withdraw from the burning building 350 people. Euromaidan activists, meanwhile, shot at Windows and fire ladders, without allowing people who were in the building to leave the burning house of labor unions. Those who were lucky enough to escape from the fiery trap were beaten in the square. According to the testimony of the chief of head Department gschs of Ukraine in Odessa region Vladimir Bodelan, the euromaidan protesters so severely beaten saved from the fire of the people that those who were in the burning building and refused to leave. Employees of fire protection covered rescued people with the bodies, carrying out them through raging crowd on the square.
As a result of the arson Of the house of trade unions killed several dozen people. As of may 14, 2014, 48 people were confirmed dead as a result of clashes on Greek street and Kulikovo field, including 11 people fell or jumped out of the Windows of the house of trade unions. The oldest victim during the riots was 70 years old, the youngest was 17 years old. The city hospitals received 13 people with gunshot wounds, 8 people with burns, 13 people with carbon monoxide poisoning, 7 people with stab wounds, 53 people with blunt injuries, including craniocerebral injuries. At the same time, a number of public figures and politicians are convinced that the Ukrainian authorities have hidden the true number of deaths in the house of trade unions and during clashes in the squares, so as not to attract even more attention of the world community to these tragic events. So, the Odessa regional Deputy Vadim Savenko claimed that according to his data during mass riots 116 people were lost. The fact that the real death toll exceeds one hundred people, and said the famous Ukrainian politician Oleg Tsarev. Among the residents of the city there were rumors that in fact there were three times more dead, so the authorities secretly buried the bodies of the victims outside of Odessa. In turn, the Pro-Kiev media and public activists, of course, denied the possibility of such significant victims and explained the rumors about a hundred dead "information war", which, in their opinion, is conducted by Pro-Russian forces against the new Ukrainian government.
Nationalist-minded activists and the media claimed that among the dead in the house of trade unions allegedly attended a large number of Russian citizens, specially arrived in Odessa to participate in the riots. However, the results of the identification processes, the Odessa police found out that Russian citizens among the dead in the House of trade unions there were no people at all. All identified victims were residents of Odessa, and among the wounded there were only two other cities – visitors from Kiev and Yalta. However, even this information did not convince the most zealous nationalists. In particular, the notorious Alexander Turchynov said that the events in Odessa "was managed from Russia." The organization "Right sector" published a material in which the events of may 2 was called as "a bright page in the national history". According to the publication on the website of the organization, the house of trade unions was attended by "paid Russian activists, drunks, drug addicts and other lumpens." However, two days after the publication, on may 6, the political Council of the "Right sector" issued an appeal in which he called may 2 "one of the most tragic days of the short history of independent Ukraine" and demanded that the security forces thoroughly investigate the events and immediately arrest the responsible persons of the security agencies.
Until now, all the circumstances of the tragedy that occurred on may 2, 2014 have not been clarified, and the specific persons responsible for the tragedy have not been punished.
Attention to details or evidence of the planned mass murder in Odessa by the Ukrainian authorities
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ENG: When viewing the images on the left you can see the following features: a burned mutilated face, but the whole body, or a burnt corpse and a number of completely unharmed clearly well-burning objects and interior objects. You can also see that there is often a lot of blood near the bodies. All this clearly says that people were killed when they were still alive. Most people died not from the fire, but from the fact that they were beaten with something heavy. Many also died from gas sprayed in the building by neo-Nazis Also, the photos show that some women removed or unbuttoned pants. Before their death, the neo-Nazis raped them. At the bottom of the photo we see a pregnant woman who was killed by neo-Nazis. It was the cleaning lady who cleaned the building that day. To prevent unrest, the Ukrainian authorities and the media called the photo of the murdered pregnant woman a fake, and it was not included in the list of the dead. In General, according to the survivors of this tragedy, the number of killed about 200 people, not 48 as stated by the Ukrainian authorities. RUS: При просмотре изображений слева видно следующие особенности: обожженное изуродованное лицо, но целое тело, или же обгоревший труп и рядом совершенно никак не пострадавшие явно хорошо горящие предметы и объекты интерьера. Также видно, что рядом с телами часто много крови. Все это четко говорит, что людей добивали, когда они были еще живы. Большинство людей погибло не от пожара, а от того, что их били чем то тяжелым. Многие также погибли от газа, который распыляли в здании неонацисты. Также по фотографиям видно, что у некоторых женщин сняты или же растегнуты штаны. Перед смертью неонацисты их изнасиловали. На самой нижней фотографии мы видим беременную женщину, которую убили неонацисты. Это была уборщица, которая в тот день убиралась в здании. Чтобы не допустить волнений украинские власти и СМИ фотографию убитой беременной женщины назвали фейком, и в списке погибших ее не внесли. Вообще по словам выживших в этой трагедии число убитых примерно около 200 человек, а не 48 как заявили украинские власти. |
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ENG: It is well visible that either there is almost no militia near the burning building, or it costs, but thus absolutely doesn't react to actions of radicals. Presented in the video also clearly shows that the police is completely inactive during the events of the murder. It says only that the action on mass murder was in advance planned by the authorities of Ukraine. Also in the photos we see that there are no firefighters. They appeared only after a long time, when something to extinguish it was too late. Almost complete absence of police, firefighters... And it is actually the center of Odessa, not the outskirts, where long to get. Defenseless people were left alone with neo-Nazis. And if firefighters were not allowed to the scene of the tragedy by neo-Nazis, as can be seen from the photos. That police officers weren't let by the management. At the time when people began to kill in the house of trade Unions suddenly began a police meeting and the entire leadership was present there. Therefore, no one could order the police to go to the aid of defenseless people who had taken refuge in the house of trade Unions. We must understand that not just at the right time began a police meeting! On the bottom photo we see that a year later on may 2, 2015 the police around the building was very much, but it was not specifically when it was really needed! RUS: Хорошо видно, что либо милиции почти нет рядом с горящим зданием, либо же она стоит, но при этом совершенно никак не реагирует на действия радикалов. По представленному видео также хорошо видно, что милиция совершенно бездействовала во время происходящего убийства. Это говорит только о том, что акция по массовому убийству была заранее спланирована властями Украины. Также на фотографиях мы видим, что нет и пожарных. Они появились лишь спустя много времени, когда что либо тушить уже было поздно. Почти полное отсутствие полиции, пожарных... И это фактически центр Одессы, а не окраина, куда долго добираться. Беззащитных людей оставили один на один с неонацистами. И если пожарных не пускали на место трагедии неонацисты, что видно по фотографиям. То сотрудников полиции не пускало руководство. В то время когда людей начали убивать в Доме Профсоюзов неожиданно началось полицейское совещание и весь руководящий состав там присутствовал. Поэтому никто не мог отдать приказ полиции, чтобы она шла на помощь беззащитным людям, укрывшимся в Доме Профсоюзов. Надо понимать, что не просто так в самый нужный момент началось полицейское совещание! На нижней фотографии видим, что спустя год 2 мая 2015 года полиции вокруг здания было очень много, но ее специально не было тогда, когда она была действительно нужна! |
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ENG: In the images on the left we see several broken fire trucks. These cars went on fire in the house of labor unions, but neo-Nazis didn't admit firefighters to the burning building, stopped rescuers and destroyed their equipment. The militia didn't interfere in the events in any way. RUS: На изображениях слева мы видим несколько разбитых пожарных машин. Эти машины ехали на пожар в Доме профсоюзов, но неонацисты не подпускали пожарных к горящему зданию, останавливали спасателей и уничтожали их технику. Милиция в происходящее никак не вмешивалась. |
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ENG: The use of pre-prepared gas masks. I do not think that football fans and nationalists always carry gas masks as we usually carry the phone. If you take a gas mask, so well understand why and what it will be needed! On the bottom photo we see how neo-Nazis in gas masks go inside the building of the house of trade Unions, looking for supporters of the federalization of Ukraine, Pro-Russian residents of Odessa. Survivors of the tragedy told that finding a room with people closed from the inside, neo-Nazis let gas through the cracks into the room and when people lost consciousness, the neo-Nazis broke down the door and killed more living people. RUS: Применение заранее приготовленных противогазов. Не думаю, что футбольные болельщики и националисты всегда носят с собой противогазы как мы обычно носим телефон. Если берут с собой противогаз, значит хорошо понимают зачем и для чего он будет нужен! На нижней фотографии мы видим, как неонацисты в противогазах ходят внутри здания Дома Профсоюзов, ищут сторонников федерализации Украины, пророссийски настроенных жителей Одессы. Выжившие в трагедии рассказывали, что находя помещение с закрывшимся изнутри людьми, неонацисты пускали через щели газ в комнату и когда люди теряли сознание, то неонацисты выламывали двери и добивали еще живых людей. |
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ENG: Participation in murder of inhabitants of Odessa of so-called Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Alexey Goncharenko. I would like to note that the Georgian snipers, who admitted that the current Ukrainian government hired them for the targeted murder of protesters on the Maidan in February 2014, noted the active participation of Alexei Goncharenko and his father in the murders of protesters. The murders were designed to warm up the crowd, to pit protesters and law enforcement officials against each other. Pay attention to the photos: on the first we see a man in a striped jacket with whole hair. Over it the Deputy of Ukraine Alexey Goncharenko bent. In the second photo, a man in a striped jacket is already with a burnt face and hair. It speaks only about one: scoffed at a corpse of the person in the presence of the Deputy, the representative of the power! It is clear that the Deputy Goncharenko was the participant of mass murder. The photos show that he stands and looks indifferently at the mass murder of people in the house of trade Unions. As you can see from the photos below, before the coup in 2014, Goncharenko was a member of the Pro-Russian party of regions. After the coup d'etat Goncharenko sided with the neo-Nazis. On the lowest image it is visible that Alexey Goncharenko and 4 years later (2018) is the acting Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. And this despite his participation in mass murder of people. This once again confirms that the current authorities of Ukraine are involved in this mass murder of defenseless people. RUS: Участие в убийстве жителей Одессы так называемого депутата Верховной Рады Алексея Гончаренко. Хотелось бы отметить, что грузинские снайперы, которые признались в том, что действующая украинская власть нанимала их для целенаправленного убийства протестующих на Майдане в феврале 2014 года отметили активное участие Алексея Гончаренко и его отца в убийствах протестующих. Убийства были направлены на то, чтобы разогреть толпу, стравить друг с другом протестующих и представителей правоохранительных органов. Обратите внимание на фотографии: на первой мы видим человека в полосатой кофте с целыми волосами. Над ним склонился депутат Украины Алексей Гончаренко. На второй фотографии человек в полосатой кофте лежит уже с обожженным лицом и волосами. Это говорит только об одном: издевались над трупом человека в присутствии депутата, представителя власти! Понятно, что депутат Гончаренко был участником массового убийства. На фотографиях видно, что он стоит и равнодушно смотрит на массовое убийство людей в Доме Профсоюзов. Как видно по фотографиям ниже до государственного переворота 2014 года А. Гончаренко был членом пророссийской партии "Партия регионов". После государственного переворота А. Гончаренко встал на сторону неонацистов. На самом нижнем изображении видно, что Алексей Гончаренко и спустя 4 года (2018 год) является действующим депутатом Верховной Рады Украины. И это несмотря на его участие в массовых убийствах людей. Это лишний раз подтверждает, что действующие власти Украины причастны к данному массовому убийству беззащитных людей. |
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ENG: In the pictures on the left are clearly visible bullet wounds on the bodies of the victims. It not only once again confirms that people were killed, but also that it was a planned action. Corny, are you going to walk down the street and just take a firearm? No. If you take it with you, you will well understand that it can definitely be useful to you! And the nationalists come to Odessa, taking with them the weapons, knowing full well what it is! As I pointed out above, just going to a football match or some mass event you will not just take a gas mask! And here the neo-Nazis had weapons and gas masks with them in advance. And during the mass murder why the police almost was not at the scene of the crime, and those that were idle because they had no orders to protect people who had taken refuge from the neo-Nazis in the trade Unions Building. RUS: На представленных снимках слева хорошо видны пулевые ранения на телах погибших. Это не только лишний раз подтверждает то, что людей добивали, но и то, что это была спланированная акция. Банально, разве вы пойдете прогуляться по улице и просто так возьмете с собой огнестрельное оружие? Нет. Если вы его возьмете с собой, то хорошо будете понимать, что оно вам точно может пригодиться! Так и националисты приехали в Одессу взяв с собой оружие, хорошо понимая, для чего оно им! Как я указывал выше, так же идя на футбольный матч или на какое то массовое мероприятие вы не будете просто так брать с собой противогаз! А здесь неонацисты заранее имели с собой и оружие, и противогазы. Да и во время массового убийства почему то полицейских почти не было на месте совершения преступления, а те что были бездействовали, т.к. у них не было приказа защищать людей, укрывшихся от неонацистов в Доме Профсоюзов. |
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ENG: Neo-Nazis, when they broke into the building began to ransack all the offices in order to find people. People began to barricade inside the offices, as can be seen from the photos: near many doors were barricades of furniture.
neo-Nazis actively used firearms. The found people were killed either on the spot with batons, firearms, or taken to the basement, where they were killed. According to eyewitnesses, more than 100 bodies were found in the basement, which were then secretly taken out and buried in an unknown place. Official Ukrainian authorities say about 48 killed in a targeted murder, but eyewitnesses say that the victims are not less than 100 people. Ukrainian authorities deliberately understate the number of deaths to reduce the size of public outrage, the resonance of the incident.
On the eve of the tragedy, the Ukrainian authorities brought to Odessa several thousand nationalists, among whom there were quite a few football fans who adhere to the extreme right nationalist views.
Police detained only supporters of the federalization of Ukraine, and brought them a lot of fictitious criminal cases. Personal files of wounded supporters of federalization who could rescue from the burning house of labor Unions from medical institutions took away SBU. Subsequently the Ukrainian authorities purposefully what had happened only been accused of anti-Maidan supporters, supporters of Pro-Russian views. Began fictitious criminal prosecution, the courts, which began to judge only Pro-Russian activists.
Survivors in the house of trade Unions say that the nationalists actively used a gas that literally " went under the door some white and green smoke. HZ, what the hell is this, but the air from the lungs was blown out instantly."?
some of the militants came into the building with gas masks. It is necessary to understand that just so spontaneously they could not have gas masks, their fighters prepared in advance, because they understood how and what will kill their own compatriots.
also in the house of trade Unions someone prudently cut all the fire hoses. The police, who were at the House of trade Unions did not intervene, did not try somehow to stop the rioters. As he said to the policemen, they had orders to intervene, to detain the nationalists.
The whole tragedy of the Ukrainian media presented as if barricaded people in the building of the house of trade Unions, even before the tragedy began to attack football fans, supporters of Ukraine. Those drove them and supporters of federalization for the purpose of flight barricaded in the building from where started firing on allegedly peace nationalists and football fans, started throwing in them over floors Molotov cocktails, thereby as if set fire to the building in which
barricaded. Also in the Ukrainian mass media began to claim that the vast majority of the barricaded in the building as if were citizens of Russia who arrived on the eve of the situation in Odessa from the River.
I would like to draw attention to one interesting detail: according to official data of the Ukrainian authorities, there are only 48 dead. Yes, but if you dig through the entire Internet, you can find photos of about two fewer dead. This can only speak of two things: either the dead are really few, and the tragic traces of violent death are few, or everything was exactly the opposite. Witnesses, miraculously survivors talk about the extreme cruelty of the rioters and a large number of victims. From here we draw a logical conclusion that the tragedy was so large-scale that the Ukrainian authorities forbade investigators and other visitors to the house of trade Unions to post on the Internet multiple facts of a monstrous crime. After all, the less information in the public domain about the enormity of the tragedy, the greater the feeling that the tragedy was not particularly.
RUS: Неонацисты, когда ворвались в здание начали обшаривать все кабинеты с целью поиска людей. Люди начали внутри кабинетов баррикадироваться, что видно по представленным фотографиям: возле многих дверей были баррикады из мебели.
Неонацисты активно применяли огнестрельное оружие. Найденных людей убивали либо на месте дубинками, огнестрельным оружием, либо же уводили в подвал, где их убивали. По свидетельствам очевидцев в подвале было обнаружено более 100 тел погибших, которых потом тайно вывезли и похоронили в неизвестном месте. Официальные украинские власти говорят о 48 погибших в результате целенаправленного убийства, однако очевидцы утверждают, что погибших не меньше 100 человек. Власти Украины осознанно занижают число погибших, чтобы снизить размер общественного возмущения, резонанса от произошедшего.
Накануне трагедии власти Украины привезли в Одессу несколько тысяч националистов, среди которых было не мало и футбольных фанатов, придерживающихся крайне правых националистических взгядов.
Милиция задерживала исключительно сторонников федерализации Украины, и заводила на них множество фиктивных уголовных дел. Личные дела раненных сторонников федерализации, которые смогли спастить из горящего Дома Профсоюзов из медицинских учреждений забрали СБУ. В последующем власти Украины целенаправленно в случившемся обвиняли исключительно антимайдановцев, сторонников пророссийских взглядов. Начались фиктивные уголовные преследования, суды, где начали судить только пророссийских активистов.
Выжившие в Доме Профсоюзов говорят, что националисты активно использовали некий газ, который буквально "под дверью пошёл какой-то бело-зелёный дым. ХЗ, что это за хрень, но воздух из лёгких вышиб моментально."?
И некоторые из боевиков заходили в здание уже с противогазами. Нужно понимать, что просто так спонтанно у них не могли появиться противогазы, их боевики заранее приготовили, т.к. понимали как и чем будут убивать своих же соотечественников.
Также в Доме Профсоюзов кто то предусмотрительно перерезал все пожарные шланги. Милиция, которая стояла у Дома Профсоюзов никак не вмешивалась в происходящее, не пыталась как - нибудь остановить погромщиков. Как говорили сами полицейские, они не имели приказа вмешаться в происходящее, задерживать националистов.
Всю трагедию украинские СМИ преподнесли так будто, забаррикадировавшиеся люди в здании Дома Профсоюзов, еще до начала трагедии стали нападать на футбольных фанатов, на сторонников Украины. Те их погнали и сторонники федерализации с целью бегства забаррикадировались в здании, от куда начали вести стрельбу по якобы мирным националистам и футбольным фанатам, начали в них кидать сверхних этажей коктели Молотова, тем самым будто бы сами подожгли здание, в котором
забаррикодировались. Также в украинских СМИ начали утверждать, что подавляющее большинство забаррикадировавшихся в здании будто бы являлись гражданами России, которые накануне специально прибыли из Р.Ф. с целью дестабилизации обстановки в Одессе.
Хотелось бы обратить внимание на одну интересную деталь: по официальным данным украинских властей погибших всего 48. Да только вот если перерыть весь интернет, то можно найти фотографии примерно в двое меньшего числа погибших. Это может говорить только о двух вещах: либо погибших действительно мало, и трагических следов насильственной смерти мало, либо же все было с точностью наоборот. Свидетели, чудом выжившие говорят о предельной жестокости погромщиков и большом количестве погибших. Отсюда делаем логический вывод, что трагедия была настолько масштабной, что украинские власти запретили следователям и прочим посетителям Дома Профсоюзов выкладывать в интернет множественные факты чудовищного преступления. Ведь чем меньше информации в свободном доступе о чудовищности трагедии, тем больше ощущение того, что и трагедии особо то не было.